Government approval of the mountain section of the Autostrada Unirii (A8): 6 billion euros for the sections between Miercurea Nirajului and Leghin (159 km)


Mountain section of the Autostrada Unirii (A8): 6 billion euros for the sections between Miercurea Nirajului and Leghin (159 km). There will be 265 bridges and 47 tunnels along the route / It is estimated that more than 21,000 road workers will work on the A8

The Ministry of Transport has published the Draft Government Decision for the approval of the technical-economic indicators of the mountain section of the Unirii Motorway (A8). The legal act approving the €6 billion investment is the last step before launching the tender for the design and execution. The Miercurea Nirajului (Mures county) - Leghin (Neamt county) mountain section is 159 kilometres long, with an estimated cost of 32 billion lei (over €6 billion) and a completion period of 54 months. It remains to be seen what will be the value of the SEAP tender and of the bids submitted, given that the European Commission is funding the project through the Transport Programme to the tune of 40% of the total cost, with the remainder coming from the State Budget.

Although we are talking about a Motorway, the Ministry of Transport refers in the documentation to an "Express Road" (possibly copy-pasted texts) and presents an estimate of over 21,000 employees on the construction sites. "In addition to the economic benefits it will generate, the construction of the express road will generate positive effects on employment, which is estimated at 21,200 employees for the period of execution of the works, will lead to a reduction in vehicle wear and tear and a reduction in journey times," the draft HG states.

"The motorway route for Section II runs through the counties of Mures (between km 22+000 of Section 1 - km 47+356 of Section 1), Harghita (between km 47+356 of Section 1 - km 128+964 (km 36+769) of Section 2) and Neamt (between km 128+964 (km 36+769) of Section 2 - km 181+195 (89+000) of Section 2). For the motorway sector, the design speed is 120 km/h. Road junctions are designed at a speed of 60 km/h. A total of 47 tunnels have been designed, with a total length of 11.64 km and individual lengths between 70.00 m and 940.00 m", says the Explanatory Memorandum.

Road junctions:

On Section II 5 road junctions were designed, namely:

Road junction DN 13A, at km 43+563 (Sovata).

The "simple trumpet" road junction is located at km 43+563 of the motorway, on Section 1, discharging into DN 13A and is located in the Sărățeni district (Mureș county).

Road junction DN 13B, at km 80+980 (Joseni)

The ,,simple trumpetˮ road junction is located at km 80+980 of the motorway, on Section 1, discharging into DN 13B and develops on the area of the local authority district of Joseni (Harghita county).

Road junction DN 12, at km 0+000 (Ditrau)

The "double trumpet" road junction is located at km 0+000 of the motorway, on Section 2, discharging into the DN 12 and develops on the territory of the local authority district of Lăzarea (Neamt county). The road junction has 7 ramps, i.e. one bidirectional main ramp: design speed of 40 km/h, minimum radius 90 m, and maximum duty of 5,5 % and 6 unidirectional secondary ramps: design speed of 40 km/h, minimum radius 90 m, and maximum duty of 5,5 %.

Road junction DN 15, km 39+720 (Tulghes)

The "simple trumpet" road junction is located at km 39+720 of the motorway, on Section 2, discharging into the DN 15 and is located in the district of Grințieș (Neamt county).

Road junction DN 15B, at km 70+500 (Pipirig)

The road junction is located at km 70+500 of the motorway, on Section 2, discharging into DN 15B and develops on the area of Pipirig (Neamt county).

The subdivision:

For the next phase, the Design and Execution stage, the following sectorization is planned:

Lot 1b: km 22+000 - Km 45+400 -Miercurea Nirajului - Sărățeni;

Lot 1c: km 45+400 - km 77+800 - Sărățeni - Joseni;

Lot 1d: km 77+800 - km 92+195 - Joseni - Ditrău;

Lot 2a: km 0+000 - km 37+900 - Ditrău - Gințieș;

Lot 2b: km 37+900 - km 72+000 - Gințieș - Pipirig;

Lot 2c: km 72+000 - km 89+000 - Pipirig - Vanatori Neamt (Leghin).