WeBuild - Salcef can start work on the modernisation of the 3rd section of the CFR Caransebeș


The Italian construction company WeBuild - Salcef can start work on the modernisation of the 3rd section of the CFR Caransebeș - Timișoara - Arad main line. The Ministry of Transport has issued the Construction Permit for the Timisoara East - Ronaț section, a 14 km long section whose design and construction contract was signed in November 2022 for 1.4 billion lei. The Timișoara Est - Ronaț lot was the first major contract of the eight financed by the NRRP for the modernisation and electrification of the CFR Magistral, M 100 Caransebeș - Timișoara - Arad, respectively M 300 Cluj-Napoca - Episcopia Bihor - Hungary border (n.r. the only one not yet awarded is lot 1 Caransebeș - Lugoj, also won by WeBuild, but contested by Alstom).

The Construction Authorisation issued by the Ministry of Transport covers works worth 1.1 billion lei out of the total contract of 1.4 billion, the execution period is 36 months and it is for the first stage of construction. Lot 3 Timișoara East - Ronaț Triaj Gr. D (13.86 km), from km 568+399, of the Bucharest - Jimbolia CF line (designator 100), to the Timișoara Nord station, after which it continues on the Timișoara - Arad CF line (designator 218), from km 0+000, to km 008+183 (exit signal from Ronaț Triaj Gr. D). The length of the route is 13.86 km, from the entrance of the Timișoara East station at head X to the signal at head Y, in Ronaț Triaj Gr.D. The existing track is simple, electrified, equipped with BLA installation and is laid both in embankment with a maximum height of 12 metres and in de-bay with a maximum depth of 8 metres. The track will be doubled on most of the section of the railway to be upgraded. The projected railway line will generally run on the existing site of the CF line, with the exception of sections consisting of alignments and curves which do not ensure that the line is set back within the parameters for running at a speed of 160 km/h.

Main works:

- rehabilitation of 13.86 km of track

- modernisation/rehabilitation of three railway stations and 2 passenger stops

- construction of 11 new buildings

- 4 new footbridges

- construction of 4 railway bridges, 3 overpasses and 6 footbridges

- 8,890 linear metres of sound-absorbing panels

Gheorghe Adam HIGHWAY (connecting Gheorghe Adam, Avram Imbroane, Aristide Demetriade and Gare de Est streets)

TIMȘOARA EAST CF STATION (16 upgraded lines, pedestrian walkway for platform access and railway crossing, loading/unloading ramp, special ramp (military mobility) and integration of connection with Traian Vuia Airport on a length of 6.5 km, connection of double CF line - 2.05 km, with signalling and telecommunication installations)

ENRIC BAADER - TIMIȘOARA HIGHWAY (connecting Enric Baader, Aristide Demetriade, Division 9 Cavalry, Calea Mallului streets).